Saturday, December 22, 2007

Yep, I'm new to blogging

I've been told by those savvy to the cyber world that I need a blog. I've thought about it a lot; over a couple of years I've thought about it. I'm not a great expert in the world of computers. I write e-mails and compose my thoughts and books. So, I'm told, this is no different. It's like writing a daily e-mail, I'm told. So I said yes, I would like to blog, but still never got around to it.

But I got an e-mail today promising that if I posted their ad on my blog, they'd give me a free course on blogging. Now I'm big on getting courses, reading them, being impressed by them, and using about 5% of what I learned. However, 5% many times adds up, so I thought, why not? And it gave me an incentive to start blogging. So thank you, Mark Joyner, for causing me to do what no one else has been able to: start this thing.

A little about me. I went to medical school late in life: when I was 35, with six children ranging from 3 to 13 in age. They were little troopers, and sacrificed much for my education. I've been a physician for 17 years. Many of my patients call me a resort doctor: the doctor of last resort. They've often pursued every avenue in their journeys towards health, and they come to me saying they'll try one more thing before they give up. I can't say that we assist everyone, but I would say the great majority are able to live at a better standard than before they came to our clinic. I've found that many chronic diseases are caused or contributed to by the stressors and traumas of life, and so besides dealing with the physical body issues, we also deal with the emotional body issues.

I'd like to talk on this blog about problems that I find are not well taken care of in the medical community. I've added a little survey on the page so I can find out what the biggest interest is out there. I welcome comments; many people have their own experiences that can be of great benefit to others. The more we open our minds to all of the possibilities, the greater the chances of finding solutions to our problems. I also welcome questions. That's why the blog is called "Ask Dr. Judi". I want to talk about what your concerns are.

I'll be writing at least once a week, and hopefully more often. Please send this link on to your friends so we can work together towards healing the world!

Now for the promised ad:

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Until we meet again,
Dr. Judi


Unknown said...

This is a great idea! What is the biggest issue you see currently among your patients, and how do you treat it?

Mike Stay said...

With the colors you've chosen, the text is hard to read. Also, the image in the title bar doesn't reach across the top. I'd consider hiring a webpage designer (or ask Jesse for help) in making the site look more professional.

Anonymous said...

There is no one more suited to this than you! I'm so excited to read your insights on questions asked.
I agree that the design leaves a little to be desired, but the content is and will be fantastic.

emily said...

Can't wait to read about your information and have a place to send all of my friends who have unresolved health issues.

Sharon said...

OK Dr. Judi,
This is the season of colds. What is the best thing to do for a cold? Do the homeopathic remedies available over the counter (Zicam, zinc tablets, Cold eaze, etc.) work? Or is it just rest, liquids, time, and a little chicken soup?
I think this is a great idea. Way to go, Judi.

Sharon Reese said...

I'm excited about this blog site. I think it's going to be a huge hit with everyone. I appreciate your setting this up and offering your expertise and knowledge to us. I am interested in learning about Rheumatoid Arthritis since my young 30 year old daughter has been diagnosed with it. She has tried many natural means of getting the symptoms under control but nothing has helped. The arthritis is getting worse. Is there any hope that it might just go away someday or is it a life-long permanent health problem? She has four children and this is complicating her life. Thanks for your thoughts on this. SharonReese